Our organization educates and refers consumers to attorneys and professional service providers; that provide quality legal services and legal expense assistance. Our nationwide panel of attorneys are here to assist you.

If you have a Contract Dispute, need to review filing for Bankruptcy, or an Identity Theft matter; only an attorney or a professional service provider can assist in protecting & enforcing your rights and best interests.

Contact us today; to receive educational materials regarding various laws and consumer protection statutes; & to learn about possibly being referred to a licensed attorney.

The consumer is not being referred to an attorney to provide credit counseling, debt settlement or debt negotiation services and that none of the fees collected by the attorney or the attorney’s finance company are for settlements.


Our assistance is free of charge and our Consumer Protection Specialists are licensed in the State of Florida by the Department of Financial Services and/or the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

WE ARE NOT A LOAN COMPANY. We do not lend money.